Familienplanung im 21. Jahrhundert – die Geschichte von Ava

Wednesday, March 13, 2019, Gasthof Löwen
Website: https://www.avawomen.com/
Speaker(s): Naemi Benz ist Director of Product und Vice President Operations von Ava, einem global tätigen "Femtech-Startup" aus Zürich, das Frauen in ihrer Familienplanung ermächtigt.

Smartwatches können unter anderem Temperatur, Puls und Bewegung messen. Wie macht Ava aus der Geschäftsidee, mit diesen Daten die fruchtbaren Tage der Frau vorherzusagen, ein profitables Unternehmen? Hier ein paar Zitate aus der Homepage: 

Finally understand your body. Wear the Ava bracelet at night for effortless insight about your fertility, pregnancy, and your health.

Cycle Tracking:

Whether you want to understand your mood swings, determine whether your headaches are driven by hormones, or learn how your cycle impacts your sleep throughout the month, Ava can help.

Unlike period tracking apps, Ava gathers data via a sensor bracelet while you’re sleeping. This completely unprecedented technology allows you to understand your body in a way that has never before been possible.


Ava is the first product that uses sensor technology to detect the fertile window in real-time.

What does that mean for you? Just wear Ava at night, sync in the morning, and you’ll see more of your fertile days than you would with OPKs or the temperature method. On top of that, Ava lets you know how well you’re sleeping and how stressed you are, so you can make sure you’re in good shape to make a baby.


Ava is still there for you once you conceive.

You can keep wearing the bracelet to stay on top of your physiological stress, sleep patterns, and cardiovascular health, ensuring that you feel your best during pregnancy.